Oct 29, 2015

Hi Chu'ols

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. 

Wehehehe. Long time no see earthling, even blog ni pun dah berhabuk dah. *Fuuuhh. Fuhhhh* tiup habuk

Tiba-tiba datang mood nak usha blog and then rindu nak menulis balik. Even though the things i wrote all these past few years seems to be sooooo useless. Tapi tak semua lah kot. Kahkahkah. 

Seriously~~~ Bila baca balik macam nak hantuk kepala dekat dinding. Ahaks. Malu betul. Tiap kali reread all the published entry rasa macam tu. Tapi lepas tu masih duk hapdet benda merapu-rapu. Heeeee. Pardon me eh, for keep on repeating the same mistakes! 

So korang, for the next few days, weeks or months, or maybe tahun depan (?) insyaAllah. I will update my blog. Bwahahaha. I'm expecting the writing a lot more matang and no bull sh*t lah kot. Heeee.

Okay. Till then,